History of CAOS
Manchester Universities' Choir and Orchestra Society (CAOS) is a social music society established in September 1988. It exists to provide musicians with a space to come together and perform fantastic music to a reasonable standard for the benefit of themselves and the community at large. Unlike some musical societies, CAOS does not work in an environment that is overly demanding or driven, but in one where musicians of all abilities can come together simply because they enjoy playing together. It is from this social nature that CAOS enjoys its high standards. The social aspect of the Society is reinforced through events where members come together outside of the practice room or concert hall.
>CAOS has performed in many venues across Manchester, some of these include The Cathedral, St. Ann's Church and Holy Innocents.
For Rehearsal Venues, CAOS has rehearsed in the Limes Bulding, Hulme dining room hall.
We solemely said goodbye to our logo of more then 2 decades, bringing a refresh to CAOS without losing all the tradition and lore of CAOS.
If there's any history you can fill us in with so we can update this page - please let us know!
CAOS Committee History
- President, UoM Chair: Noah Gribbon (he/him)
- Vice-President, MMU Chair: Lissy Carncross (they/them)
- General Secretary & Orchestra Librarian: Sam Furr (he/him)
- Vice/MMU Secretary: Liv McGrath (she/her)
- Treasurer/MMU Treasurer: Andrew Chang (he/him)
- Vice Treasurer/UoM Treasurer: Amelia Bolton (she/her)
- Concert Manager: Alastair Warner (he/him)
- Publicity Secretary: Niall Trowsdale Stannard (he/him)
- Choir Librarian: Kate Marshall (she/her)
- Social Secretaries: Ethan Maggs (he/him) & Olive Hall (she/her)
- Residential Manager: Josh Porter (he/him)
- Inclusions Officer: Lana Lewis (they/them)
- Webmaster: Michael Lowe (he/him)
- New Members Representative: Sonia Prakesh (she/her)
- Choir Conductor: Joe Tanner
- Orchestra Conductor: Peter Bloxidge/Francesca Peilober-Richardson
- President, MMU Chair: Tori Dandy (She/Her)
- Vice-President, UoM Chair: Noah Gribbon (he/him)
- General Secretary: Sam Furr (he/him)
- Vice/MMU Secretary: Liv McGrath (she/her)
- Treasurer/MMU Treasurer: Andrew Chang (he/him)
- Vice Treasurer/UoM Treasurer: Amelia Bolton (she/her)
- Concert Manager: Alastair Warner (he/him)
- Orchestra Librarian:
- Publicity Secretary: Niall Trowsdale Stannard (he/him)
- Choir Librarian: Kate Marshall (she/her)
- Social Secretaries: Ethan Maggs (he/him) & Olive Hall (she/her)
- Residential Manager: Josh Porter (he/him)
- Inclusions Officer: Lana Lewis (they/them)
- Webmaster: Michael Lowe (he/him)
- New Members Representative: Sonia Prakesh (she/her)
- Choir Conductor: Joe Tanner
- Orchestra Conductor: Peter Bloxidge/Francesca Peilober-Richardson
- Chair: Ruth Price
- Secretary: Joshua Fogg
- Treasurer: Kitty Byrne
- Social Secretaries: Amy Tyrrell, Meg Kirkman
- Concert Manager: Leonie Brummitt
- Webmaster: Matt Silcocks
- Publicity Secretary: Matt Burton
- MMU Representative: Emily Caldwell
- Choir Librarian: Jen Hewitt
- Orchestra Librarian: Dan A. Neal
- General Members: Lucy Buckingham, Eleanor Bradshaw, Lydia Fulloway
- Orchestra Conductor: Dan James
- Choir Conductor: Ken Greaves
- Accompanist: Matt Lam
- Chairperson: Zenobia Mehta
- Chairperson: Will Ward
- Secretary: Jenny Boyle
- Treasurer: Justine Hall
- Publicity Secretary: Emma Cartwright
- Social Secretary: Sarah Keith
- Librarian (choir): Will Hopkin
- Librarian (orchestra): Will Hopkin
- Concert Manager: Gareth Luby
- Manchester Metropolitan Uni rep.: Emma Cartwright
- General Member: Rachel Barr
- General Member: Natasha Coveney
- General Member: Rachel Start
- Choir Conductor: Sarah Chan
- Orchestra Conductor: Daniel James
- Webmaster: Hannah Moore
- Chairperson: Matt Harrison
- Vice-Chairperson: Alison Pickering
- Secretary: Catherine Hyde
- Treasurer: Sylvia Foulkes
- Publicity Secretary: Suzy Farrow
- Social Secretary: Jess Park
- Choir Manager: Gareth Jones
- Orchestra Manager: Steve Rapley
- Chairperson: Liz Thomas
- Secretary: Tom Chinnery
- Treasurer: Alison Pickering
- Publicity Secretary: Anne Simpson
- Librarian: Cassie Worman
- Social Secretary: Ruth Budd
- Social Secretary: Debbie Simmons
- Concert Manager: Charlotte
- UMIST Rep: Matt Harrison
- Choir Rep: Jig Patel
- Photographer: Charlie Ding
- General Member: Matt Clark
CAOS Awards
For the most handsome choir member
Malcolm Gray
For the prettiest choir member
Will Hopkin (for The Third Year Running!)
For the most handsome orchestra member
Daniel James
For the prettiest orchestra member
Ceri Middleton
For owning of the cheesiest iPod this side of the Cheddar Gorge
Timothy Rankin
For providing of the best tea, biscuits and mince pies
Laura Talbot
For being the best Frodo in CAOS
Phil Thompson
For having the new website ready in 2, no, 4, no, 8 weeks, no after Easter...
Antony Stevenson
For avoiding doing any of his own or other people's work
Timothy Rankin
The Boat Race Gold Award
For winning the Boat Race again, as expected!
The Brass Section
The Boat Race Silver Award
For coming second to the brass, nothing to be ashamed of!
The Rest Of The Orchestra
The Boat Race Cheats Award
For cheating on the Boat Race--boo!
The Choir
For downing the fastest pint Ceri has ever seen
Will Hopkin
The Oustanding Achievement Award
For being outstanding
Ceri Middleton
For keeping up the bassoon part when the rest of the orchestra got hopelessly lost
Jenny Pemberton
The Fast Learner Award
For switching from violin to double bass overnight
Hannah Moore
The Most Refreshing Members Award
For serving refreshments at both concerts
Sarah Craig And Alision Pickering
The Sunk Boat Award
For passing out after the boat race
Zenobia Metha
The Drunken Sailor Award
For throwing drinks at people, and herself
Mandy Hill
The Hot-male Award
For having a rude email address
Nick Castell
The Digital Watch Award
For giving timings to the nearest second
Daniel James
The 'Not Losing The Will To Live' Award
For putting up with Will
Lulu Jiang
The Broken Toe Award
For breaking her toe in the rush to get to Harry's Bar after rehearsal
Becky Harper
The Boy Band Award
For having boyband hair
Simon Paget
The Soggy Biscuit Award
For persistantly coming late (to rehearsals)
Philip Jacob
The Lost Alcoholics Award
For being in the wrong bar
The Basses
The Practically Married Award
For doing everything together - and so well
Andy Kitching And Ping Liem
For the most attractive male choir member
Edd Clarke And Ping Liem
For the most attractive female choir member
Will Hopkin
For the most attractive male orchestra member
Andy Kitching
For the most attractive female orchestra member
Alison Pickering
The Award For Most Attractive Male Orchestra Member
Andrew Kitching
The Award For Most Attractive Female Orchestra Member
Matt Harrison
The Award For Most Attractive Male Choir Member
Oliver Tarney
The Award For Most Attractive Female Choir Member
Rachel Rigby
The Biggest Flirt
Nick Castell
The Biggest Alcholic
Susan Harris
The Mr. Forgetful Award
For missing most committee meetings
Gareth Baxtor
The `commitment Beyond Common Sense' Award
For complete perfectionism over running the society
Alison Pickering
The Award For
most enthusiastic flute playing
Phil Jacob
The Phil Daniels Award
For disappearing
Si Edwards
The Scary Welsh Teddy Bear
For sending scary e-mails and being Welsh
Gareth Jones
The Movie Trailer Voice Over
John Baty
The Peter Buck Award
For Rockstar behaviour and smashing his Viola
Adam Carter
The Little Boy Blue Award
For having a name like a Tory MP
Duncan Smith
The Space Hopper Award
For Being the CAOS bouncer
Suzy Farrow
The Toyah Wilcox
For frequently changing her hair colour
Alison Pickering
The Steve Redgrave Award
For not retiring when he should have done!
Matt Edwards
The Mc Donalds Award
For being everyone's favourite export form the USA
Nadia Prociw
The Pornography Award
For always having the Horn
Matt Clark
The Hockey Award
For having played the most tonsil hockey
Anne Sipmson
The Lennox Lewis Award
For being the CAOS heavyweight and attending all socials (but sadly wasn't there to collect his award!)
Phil Segall
The Jamie Oliver Award
For being the face of Sainsburys
Tom Chinnery
The Award For Moonlighting
For secretly being a local labour councillor
Jon Byrne
The President Mugabe Award
For 'fixing' the elections
Matt Harrsion
The Planning For The Future Award
For having the forethought to have their daughter's 21st birthday on the night of our annual dinner!
Mr And Mrs Simpson (parents To Anne!)
The Pritt Stick Award
For Holding the society together this year
Elizabeth Thomas
The Ferrari Daytona Award
For being so old yet revered by us all
Matt Edwards
The Boddingtons Award
For being a beer monster
Cassie Worman
The Hugh Grant Award
For having the floppiest hair
The David Beckham Award
For having the haircut of the year
Steve Rapley
The Boxing Award
For having the best punch
Ed, Ed, Ed, Andy, & Dave (Ed Appears 3 Times Because He Did Most Of The Work)
The Petty Criminal Award
For for being involved in the most MUGSSings
Alison Pickering
The Pimp Of The Society
For sitting quietly at the back and controlling all the money...
Duncan Smith
The Leggy Blond Award
For for being the biggest bimbo secretary
Nigel Butler
The Society Mascot
Anne Simpson's Duck
The Rupert Giles
For being such a successful librarian
Liz Thomas (the Librarian Of Course!)
The Slovak Award
For parting with the cheques so peacefully
Su Wen Goh (the Treasurer)
The Mrs Rabbit Award
For sorting out all the books
Nigel Butler (the Librarian)
The Ferrari Daytona Award
For being so old yet revered by us all
Charlotte Crew
The Benito Carbone Award
For sodding off and leaving his team in the lurch
Daniel Woolley
The RSPCA Award
For looking after and escaped mink
Elizabeth Bowles
The Entrepreneur Award
For having his own department store
John Lewis
The Chilli Con Carne Award
For being the meatiest Mexican
Horatio Cantu
The Small Turnip Award
For being a tasty Swede
Adrian Marklund
The Godfather Award
For being in charge of all the fiddles
John Byrne
The Silicon Award
For being such a superconductor
Gary Cheung (our Conductor)
The Jeremy Clarkson Award
For talkig about nothing but cars
Matthew Edwards
The Homer Simpson Award
For drooling over a member of the Simpson family
Matthew Edwards
The Michael Jordan Award
For being far too tall for her own good
Anne Simpson
The Little Miss Naughty Award
For being the naughtiest member of the society
Alison Pickering
The On The Busses Award
For services to conducting
Carl Williams (the Conductor)
The Scarlet Pimpernel Award
For never being seen
The Oboe Section
The Billy Goats Fluff Award
For having the subtlest beard
Nigel Butler
The Highland Games Award
For having the instrument most like a caber
The Bassoon Player
The Manchester United Award
For playing gigs so often
Louis Birenough
The Grannys Cardigan Award
For services to knitting
Chris The Cello Player
The Mr Kipling Award
For mince pie making
Charlotte Crew
The Robin Hood Award
For being so inspirational with a boe
John, The Leader Of Orchestra
The Janitor Award
For putting out the most chairs at the Christmas concert
Matt Edwards
The Doncaster Rovers Award
For being the most willing to play Schiedt
Matt Clark